Măgurele Summer School of Science and Technology (MSciTeh) 2024  - Teachers' enrollment form
By filling out the form below, you express your intention to participate in the 7th edition of the Măgurele Summer School of Science and Technology - MSciTeh 2024. This is the first international edition with guests and participants from abroad, with the support of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). It will take place from August 29th to September 5th, 2024.

This year's edition of the Summer School is addressed to teachers concerned with the interdisciplinary teaching of STEM subjects, interested in bringing innovative approaches in the activities they create for and with students. The summer school will have an international character, being open to teachers from other countries, so all activities will take place in English.
In 2024, MSciTeh for teachers, will have 2 sections that will take place in two different locations:

1. Between August 29th - September 1st:
Location:  Buzău Land UNESCO International Geopark   
Theme: Geopath-in-Geoparks workshops that will explore the educational possibilities offered by working directly in the field, on environmental topics, renewable energies, climate change, monitoring and conservation of cultural and natural heritage, geophysics for society.

2. Between September 1st - September 5th: 
Location: Măgurele research platform
Themes: Eyes and years on Earth: STEM education workshops, visits to research institutes, creation of educational projects, applications of physics in monitoring potential fields and geophysical methods for investigating Earth's interior structure. 

Registration period: June 1st - July 10th (until midnight).

Through this form you can choose to apply to one of the following categories of participants:
- with full scholarship
- with a fee of 1250 RON (~250 Eur)

Information regarding the program of this edition will be published in the following links: https://msciteh.educatiepentrustiinta.ro/
 and the Facebook page: facebook.com/msciteh
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