Web Design & Coding Query
You're ready to work with me on your next website? FANTASTIC! 😍 Tell me more about what you need, and I will give you a solid budget/quote (via email). Once we agree on the price and scope of project, I will send you a work-for-hire agreement. Once that's signed, you pay a 50% project initiation fee to reserve this project on my calendar. From there, the magic begins! 
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Email *
What is your name and author/artist brand? *
Do you already have your own URL and web hosting?  *
Will you need help moving to a new server or web host? *
Which platform are you currently using for your website? *
Did you want to keep your current web platform? *
How many website pages do you need? *
Please describe the most important features you want to see on your website. *
Do you currently have a newsletter? *
Did you need help with getting a newsletter opt-in process started? *
Are you on social media? *
Please select your platforms: *
What's your ideal website launch date? *
Where did you hear about me? *
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