Nampa Farmers Market Sponsorship Application 2025 Season
Thank you for choosing sponsorship with the Nampa Farmers Market in 2025!
Paper applications may be requested by email:
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Business Name *
Business Address *
Are you a Non-Profit? If so, what is your tax number? *
What is your website address? *
Twitter Link (
Facebook Link (
Instagram Link (
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Primary Phone Number *
Contact Person *
Email Address *
Have you sponsored the Nampa Farmers Market before? If so what year(s)? *
How did you hear about sponsoring the Nampa Farmers Market? *
I authorize the Nampa Farmers Market Manager, Website Manager & Social Media Team to provide & post the following information to and for customers use (please check only those that apply). *
Give us a short description (less than 250 words) of your business. This will be used across social media and website platforms.  *
Please send a copy of your logo in a high resolution standard Instagram size of  1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio to *
Which Sponsorship Levels Are You Most Interested In? *
I would like to additionally contribute to the Nampa Farmers Market specialty programs for extra spotlights during each programs events.
Military Gratitude Program- First Saturday of each month May- November
$50 or more

Share and Care Community Produce Program- 2nd and 4th Saturdays April- October
$100 or more

*Please note the amount and program of your desired donation. 
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