Contest & prize: Solar Design for Public Co-working Spaces
SUPSI and MC2.0 present the contest “Solar Design for Public Co-working Spaces”. This contest highlights the crucial interplay between solar energy and buildings in creating multifunctional solar architectures to redefine the use of solar energy as a building and design material.
Application deadline by June 28th
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For the contest “Solar Design for Public Coworking Spaces”, participants are asked to design a temporary co-working space in which a flexible and lightweight photovoltaic film is integrated into one or more technological systems such as shading systems, facades, roofs, street furnishing elements, etc. This space, accommodating approximately 10 workers, should encompass essential co-working amenities such as desks, chairs, electrical outlets, and a small outdoor workspace.
The competition is open to all. No professional qualifications are required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (3 team members maximum).
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Team member 1: Name and Surname
Team member 2: Name and Surname
Team member 3: Name and Surname
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