Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Support Group:  Is there a need in the Lindsborg area?    
If you are a family member or a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's or other dementia diseases, please take this very short survey sponsored by the Family Health Care Clinic at Lindsborg Community Hospital.

 1. Are you a family member or caregiver of someone with Alzheimer's or other type of dementia? 


2. Would you be interested in attending a support group for family members and caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease or other types of dementia?  


3. What topics would you like to be covered in the support group? (Select all that apply) 

4. What time of day would be most convenient for you to attend support group meetings? 

5. How often would you prefer the support group to meet? 

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6. Do you have any specific needs or concerns that you would like addressed in the support group? 

7. How did you hear about this potential support group?


8. Please provide your first and last name (preferred but not required)

9. Please provide your email address. (To receive updates about the support group). 

10. Please provide the phone number where you can be most easily reached. *
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