Expression of Interest - BSU Internship

Interledger seeks to connect HBCU students with its Community participants in various technical and non-technical roles. The goal is for HBCU students to contribute to open-source, open-protocol, and open-payment projects.

Email *
Name of Project/Organization *
Primary contact details (name, email, etc)
How can students review your efforts (code repo)?
Include a list of resources (press releases, community posts, social media, website, etc.) for students to review and get up to speed on your project company and/or ecosystem?
How many hours of effort do you estimate is required for this opportunity?
What is the experience level expected for this opportunity? Novice or Expert, Undergraduate or Graduate, etc.
How many students do you need to assist with this project/tasks?
What specific skills and competencies does students need to participate in this opportunity?
Describe your ideal student candidate(s) for this opportunity?
Is there a work plan and schedule for this opportunity? List of specific activities with timelines, expected work hours, etc.
How can students get excited about this opportunity?
State or list any comment or question(s) you may have regarding this opportunity.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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