If this isn't available from others, the project couldn't happen, and I and my hui/kula would have a really hard time acquiring this
If this isn't available from others, I and my hui/kula could hustle to acquire this
The project would benefit from this, but it's not absolutely needed
I and my hui/kula could provide some of this, but we still could use some help with this.
I and my hui/kula have this part covered. OR This isn't needed for the project.
Facilitation, organization, coordination
'Ike Hawai'i expertise, kōkua
'Ōlelo Hawai'i expertise, kōkua
Technical support related to media
Publicity, awareness building
Access and use of physical space(s)
Data management, analysis, reporting
Extra hands for general labor
Kanaeokana Booth (various activities)