No Boundaries Partner Pitch Planning Sheet
Pitch Suggestions: Make your pitch  3-5 minutes. Make it engaging - your audience is middle school and high school students!! Don't give too many parameters, leave it open for creativity.

Middle school partners will pitch their project at a live event called a "Project Palooza".

High school partners will submit a pitch video for students to view before a live Project Palooza.  

*There is a chance your initiative may not be selected since this is based solely on student choice.*
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Email *
Suggested name of initiative *
Do you wish to work with the high school students or middle school(/Jr. High) students (or do you not have a preference)?                                                                   (Middle school is only available in the Okoboji area) *
What impact do you see this initiative making? (What impact are you hoping it will make?) *
Partner Organization *
Partner time commitment - High school:  Weekly emails, bi-weekly partner meetings (in-person or via Zoom). Middle School:  Weekly emails, weekly partner meetings (in-person or via Zoom). *
Contact name *
Contact email (if the email sending this form is not the email you'd like the students to send their emails to)
Key Questions project will address: (When the project is completed what questions will it have answered?) *
Minimum Viable Product: Guiding Question: At the end of the project, what is the minimum outcome you will be satisfied with? *
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