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Customer & Sales Assistant Bot for Rich Roll's Health & Fitness Business

Context: Rich Roll is a world-class ultra-endurance athlete, best-selling author, iTunes top 100 podcast host, and prominent advocate for plant-based nutrition and wellness. He and his wife, Julie Piatt, offer healthy living services to their customers.

Currently, this prospect does not have a chat assistant on their website. Instead, they have a contact form where customers can fill out the form and receive a response via email within a few hours.

Example Questions you may want to ask:
- Where can I find the meal planner?
- I want to speak to a human
- Where can I find the podcasts/books
- I want a refund
- I want to get in contact with Rich Roll
- FAQs

This bot is designed to be a customer assistant agent to assist all inquiries, using the knowledge base I've input in to Agentive & Voiceflow. This bot is also designed to be a sales assistant for everything Rich Roll, it does well in providing the product landing page whenever a product is mentioned. Please, check it out. 
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