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Stenotype - A Design Project
We're a group of engineering undergraduate students from National University of Singapore. This survey was created to better understand the needs of the persons who use a stenotype (Professional stenographers/live captioners/hobbyists/students).
We would really appreciate it if you could spare some of your time to help us. Thanks :)
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Name (Contact details) - Optional
Mail address/Discord/Reddit/Any other
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Country of residence
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What stenotypes are you currently using?
List all your frequently used stenotypes
Your answer
What do you mainly use your stenotype for?
Is it used for closed captioning, replacing your QWERTY keyboard or just typing out a letter? Here, you can tell us more about yourself and how you usually use your stenotype for.
Your answer
What price would you consider to be affordable for a stenotype?
Less than $100
Less than $200
Less than $300
Less than $500
Above $500
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