2025 Yoga Soup Teacher Training Application
Thank you for your interest in our training! We use the information you share with us in this application to better understand your ability to participate in and benefit from our course. Please take a moment to complete the following questions honestly and completely.

Please note that we will keep your personal information confidential and will not use it outside of this application process.

Once we receive your application, we will be in touch via email to provide details regarding timing, payment & all appropriate next steps. 

Thank you!
Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Which training are you interested in attending?

**If you want yoga alliance certification please note that a 200 hour training certificate is now mandatory in order to register for a 300 hours certificate. 
**In order to receive a 300 hour certification you will need to complete 500 teaching hours in addition to the Yoga Soup certificate.
Where did you hear about our training? *
Why are you interested in this training? What are your expectations for this training?  *
How long have you been consistently practicing yoga? What types?
Have you previously participated in a yoga teacher training program? If so, when, where, and with whom? For our 300 hour training only: Where did you complete your 200 hour training?
What areas of yoga practice challenge you the most?
What is one of the most challenging events you’ve faced in life?
Do you have any physical limitations or health conditions that could affect your participation in this teacher training? Please describe anything vital for us to know about your medical history.
What are your main interests or hobbies outside of yoga?
These courses are primarily in-person with a few online sections. Do you feel confident in your ability to complete this course with the online components or do you think virtual learning will be a challenge for you? 
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
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