Dramatic Writing Feedback Form
A safe, anonymous means for undergraduate students in the Dramatic Writing program to share any feedback or comments they have regarding the program, faculty, class offerings, etc. These can range from simple notes of appreciation, what you'd like to see more (or less) of in the program, to constructive criticism. The intent of this form is to gather as much of *your*--our fellow students'--thoughts about the Dramatic Writing program, in order to share them directly with faculty members. This system allows us to maintain an open dialogue w/ the program administration, so that DDW can be the best it can be; so please, share as much as you feel compelled to! Submissions are 100% anonymous, both to us and to DDW staff & faculty.
This is meant to be an alternative option for students who don't feel comfortable sharing at town halls or other events, where we also plan to gather feedback.

Please note this is centered around gathering feedback regarding how the program is structured, run, and the resources it offers; other, more serious types of complaints & concerns (i.e. Title IX reports, instances of illegal activity) should be referred to the appropriate departments at NYU where they can be dealt with by experts.

Similarly, due to the anonymous nature of this form, if you have a report of targeted discriminatory behavior against yourself or another student by a staff members, please refer to the following link: https://www.nyu.edu/about/policies-guidelines-compliance/policies-and-guidelines/non-discrimination-and-anti-harassment-policy-and-complaint-proc.html 

For any questions about this form, or about the Student Board in general, contact us via our Instagram @ddwstudentboard or through email: nyuddwstudentboard@gmail.com 

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Feel free to be as descriptive as you need to be--remember, your name/information will not be visible to us: this is completely anonymous. This is a space to share any thoughts you have about the program.
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