OJT Time Reporting
  • Accurately fill out this sheet to the best of your knowledge and hit submit once finished.
  • A new form should be filled out monthly or if you change contractors
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Email *
Your Name *
First and Last Name
Last 4 of Social *
Local Union # *
Employer *
Employer Phone # *
Employer Address
(Street, City, State, Zip) 
(Can be found on your paystubs)
Month and Year *
Week 1 Total *
This Week Starts on the 1st day of the month. (This includes the 1st even if it falls on the last day of the week) 
Week 2 Total *
Week 3 Total *
Week 4 Total *
Week 5 Total *
Week 6 Total *
If there is not a 6th week this month enter "0"
Total Hours *
Add up Weeks 1- 6 
Areas of Concentration
Check All That Apply 
(Swipe for more options)
Building Construction
Heavy / Highway
Enviromental Remediation
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Wage Percentage *
Information Verification *
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