Student Ideas Fund Expression of Interest

The Student Ideas Fund is an exciting collaboration between Leeds University Union, The University and you – our students. Partnership is core to our mission, and we want to build, support and deliver the student experience together.

Whether you have just the seed of a concept or a fully-fledged idea, you will be guided through the process and if your idea fits with the main aims of the Student Idea's Fund then you will be supported financially to make your idea a reality with grant funding available ranging from £500 to £5000.

You can see more information on the full process here. But, for now please fill in our inital pre-application expression of interest form to give us an idea of what your idea is and how much funding you would need and on of our team members will get back with you in 2 weeks to detail next steps.

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Email *
Full Name
Please Provide a brief summary of your idea 
How much funding do you believe your idea will require? (£'s)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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