CTHG Membership Form
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Name *
Organization (if applicable)
Organization Address (if applicable)
Email *
Mobile Phone
Organization Website (if applicable)
I am joining as an *
What is your organizational structure? (i.e. coalition, non-profit, volunteer group)
Who is your constituency?
Regional Representation: *Which regional team would you participate in? Organizations with an otherwise national scope should participate in the region where their office(s) is/are based.* *
Will you be willing to help convene a regional gathering? *
In order to move ourselves and our organizations towards justice, we are trying to reconfigure our relationship to power.  To check our power within the network, we would like to know more about our membership.
Do you identify as a:
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What was your organization's annual budget for the last fiscal year?
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On what scale does your organization primarily work?
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In order to join the Closing the Hunger Gap Network, we are asking our members to read, accept, and commit to our vision, purpose, values, goals, identity and statement on power. Please read the following document:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yKBPV9i2YAYg9k2jSRGLzIShjcwCWR46bwh889jE6Wg/edit?usp=sharing
Are there any comments or suggestions you would like to share with CTHG? (Optional)
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