Virtual Learning Meal Pick-Up Survey
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Please submit this form for each child in your household who is enrolled in a Giles County School.
Survey submissions must be completed each week.
Please complete this meal survey each week to order meals for your child to be picked up each Wednesday, beginning August 19, 2020, between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. All children must be currently enrolled in Giles County Schools. Complete one Meal Survey per child. All meals for a family may be picked up at one school. This will include 7 breakfast and 7 lunch meals. Students do not have to be present for meal pick-up, but student identification will be required.
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Grade *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address
From which school would you like to pick-up your meals? *
Please list any food allergies your child has.
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