What would you like Vox to explain for you?

If you want something in your world explained, you can now tell us directly. In our new explainer franchise, we answer your questions in a variety of ways: a new podcast, newsletter, video series, and our classic explanatory work you typically see on our site. Fill out this form to tell us what you’d like us to explore, and let us know if you’d like to see your question answered on a specific platform. 

If you prefer to call into our podcast to ask a question, give 1-800-618-8545 a ring (and don’t forget the 1 – it’s important) to ask away, and leave your name and a call back number.

There’s no deadline — ask anytime, and you can ask however many questions you’d like. We'll answer questions ranging from the heavy to the silly, the systemic to the personal. We’ll cover culture, finance, politics, technology, and more, no question is too big or too small. We’ll use your inquiries and ideas to inform and improve our stories.

We take your privacy seriously, and we promise not to share any of the information in this form without your explicit permission. By filling out this form, you acknowledge that a Vox reporter may follow up with you. By participating, you also agree to Vox Media Inc. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. (https://www.voxmedia.com/pages/privacy-policy)

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