✨Aeritea's Patreon Character Suggestion Form 
Welcome to aeritea's patreon character suggestion form! I will be choosing from the character/pairing suggestions you submit either to sketch or to add to future polls for a chance to be rendered as an exclusive illustration. There is no 100% guarantee I will draw your character suggestion, but I will try to do as many as I can! :) Please take care to read the rules carefully!

  • Characters must be aged 18 or older.
  • Please do not suggest a hetero pairing where the man is dominant and the woman/fem is submissive. Nothing against it, I personally just do not feel comfortable drawing it. Feel free to suggest LGBT+ and queer characters, pairings and throuples though!
  • Please do not rapidly spam suggestions multiple times in a row or strongly insist on a character/pairing/series or I will blacklist them.
  • This form is for "Key Owner" tier patrons only! Please do not share this form publicly or else I will have to close the form and only take suggestions directly via patreon.

Thank you, looking forward to meeting your favs and possibly drawing them! ^_^
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Character name or pairing/ship (throuples also okay!) and the series they're from: *
Brief scenario or dynamic you'd like to see the characters engage in:
[Optional, I can't promise I will draw the characters in the suggested scenario.]
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