2023 Roar and Pour Vendor Registration
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the our annual Roar and Pour Wine Festival on Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 5:00-9:00pm. VIP entrance is at 5:00pm, General Admission is at 6:00pm, and Final Pour is at 8:45pm.

Please fill out the form below to register, and a Zoo representative will contact you with more information. If you have any questions, please contact the Zoo's Event Coordinator, Belle Gilliam, at bgilliam@sbzoo.org or at (805) 962-5339 ext. 162.

We expect approximately 1,300 attendees, so please plan accordingly with your tasting supplies. We look forward to working with you!
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Company Name *
Company Mailing Address
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Phone *
Primary Contact Email *
Day-Of Event Contact if different from above (please include name, phone, and email)
Who will deliver your tasting product on the event day? *
Distributor (if applicable)
Delivery & Set-Up: Please select your desired arrival time below. The event begins at 4:00 p.m. Vendors who choose to arrive early may leave after set up and return in time for the event. *
Booth Staffing: You may have up to 4 representatives for your booth. Please provide their names below, or request volunteers to assist you. Names and/or volunteer requests must be confirmed by Friday, April 28. *
If you would like your logo to be featured on the Roar & Pour event site and other digital marketing, please send the file to showhost@sbzoo.org. *
I would like an in-kind donation letter from the Zoo for tax deduction purposes. Please note, the letters will be sent 1-2 weeks after the event. *
I would like to feature a reserve wine during the VIP hour from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
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I am interested in participating in other Zoo Special Events. (Please select all that apply) *
By checking "I agree" and typing your full name below, you confirm that you have read and understand the Roar & Pour participation information and agree to adhere to those guidelines while participating in Roar & Pour on Saturday, May 6, 2023. If you have questions about these policies, please contact Belle Gilliam at bgilliam@sbzoo.org or (805) 962-5339 ext. 162. *
Electronic Signature *
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