2025 LVE PTA Educational Award Application
For the 2024-2025 school year, the LVE PTA has designated $500 for it's inaugural LVE PTA Educational Award. The LVE PTA Educational Award is a grant opportunity open to current high school seniors who are Lakeview Elementary (LVE) alumni and who support LVE through volunteerism and community activities.  Attendance dates and volunteer hours must be verified for eligibility. 

The following must accompany this completed application form: 
  • Short Essay (1 page max, 0.75 inch margins, 11-pt font or larger, Arial or Times New Roman font) - describe your career goals and how this award will benefit you. 
  • Official High school transcript (signed document must be sent directly from district counselor/registrar email to Grants@lvepta.org)
  • Screenshot from Skyward highlighting name and years of attendance at LVE. 
  • A record of volunteerism and community activities. At least 8 hours must be in support of LVE. Please highlight these hours within the volunteer record.
  • A letter of acceptance from an accredited university/college
  • Letters of reference from two professionals (teacher, employer, etc., and cannot be a relative)
  • W-9 (completed with student’s information; can be found here; send only page 1) 
Please submit required additional materials electronically to Grants@lvepta.org after submitting this application form. The full letter with requirement details can be found here

A complete application packet is due by April 15, 2025. The committee will notify applicants of their decision by May 1, 2025. Award winner will be presented the award during a designated LVE PTA meeting in May 2025. 

Please direct any questions regarding this application to Grants@lvepta.org
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Student's Legal Name (First and Last) *
Student's Date of Birth *
Mailing Address (number & street name) *
Mailing Address (city) *
Mailing Address (State) *
Mailing Address (zip code) *
Phone Number *
Student's Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Legal Name (First and Last) *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Name of High School Attending  *
School Address (number & street name, City, State, zip code) *
High School Counselor Name (First and Last) *
High School Counselor Email Address *
University/College or Technical School you plan to attend *
University Address (number & street name, City, State, zip code) *
College Start Date *
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