Onco-Immunology Conference Day
Dear Colleagues,
Learn to Win, the AAS and the University of Sfax are pleased to invite you to participate in

The Onco-Immunology Conference Day, 17 February 2022.

The event will take place Virtually
The Conference will focus on the latest developments and findings in immunology & Oncology Therapy.

Excellent panel of International Speaker will be present:

From China: Shensi Shen, West China Hospital, Chengdu, China
Persistent cancer cell in anti-cancer therapies: blazing the trail with melanoma.
From Spain: Laura Senovilla, Valladolid Universidad, Spain
Paradoxical implication of BAX/BAK in cancer
From USA: Giulia Petroni, Weil Cornell College, Division of Radiation Oncology, New York, USA.
Anti-tumor immune response following treatment with cell cycle inhibitors and radiation therapy
From Tunisia: Hind Hachicha, Faculty of Medicine Sfax University Tunisia
Cancer and immune response in Tunisia
From Tunisia: Hayet Douik, Faculty of Medicine Tunis University Tunisia
HLA-E and MICA polymorphism in nasopharyngeal cancer risk

You are invited and encouraged to contribute to the program by submitting abstracts for oral and poster presentation and we look forward to your active involvement.

We look forward to seeing you at Onco-Immunology Day 2022.

There will be :
Best Oral communication and Poster Prizes
Special Issue Proceeding Book
Certificate of attendance and participation

Key Dates & Call for Abstract

Short Oral Presentation submission deadline: December 31, 2021
Poster Presentation submission deadline: January 15, 2022
Registration deadline: January 31, 2022

Registration Fees
100 DTN / 40 Euro

Payement Information:

in Tunisia (100 Dinar)
Learn to Win
Amen Bank - Agence Mnihla
RIB : 07116016310110066274

International (Swedish Bank) (40 Euro)
Mohamed Jemaa
IBAN: SE45 6000 0000 0005 5060 2771

Contact Us:
Email 1: scientific.paper.design@gmail.com
Email 2 : jemaamohamed@gmail.com
Phone: +216 21 123 145
Facebook Learn to win
Internet : learn2w.weebly.com

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