2018-2019 District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Needs Assessment--English
This survey will inform the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) of areas where you feel confident regarding your child's education and areas where we can support you.  Please complete the following NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY answering the statements for yourself, not for your child. Mark the response that best represents how you feel about each statement.
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School(s): I have children at the following school(s)
Grade Level(s): My child(ren) are in the following grades...
Please answer these questions for yourself as a parent, not for your child.
 I understand the importance of speaking my home language to my child to ensure he or she can maintain his or her first language while learning English.
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 I am aware that parents of English Learners can take classes to learn English through the City of Shafter Learning Center.
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I am aware of ways that I can be involved in my child's classroom or at my child's school.
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I know how to get information on ways in which I can be involved in my child's school.  
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I know how to get translation for report cards, notes, meetings and conferences.
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I know how my child is doing academically.
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I know how my child is doing socially.
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I am aware of my child's English skills and how he or she is progressing in learning English.
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I need more information about the U.S. school system.
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I feel that my child likes school.
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My child has friends at school.
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My child can communicate his or her needs effectively to his or her teacher(s).
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My child is able to complete homework successfully.
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I am able to help my child with homework.
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I know how to get homework help for my child.
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It is important to me that the school  knows...................
ONLY Parents of Richland Junior High students please answer the statements below:
I know  the school has  counselors to help my child.
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The transition from elementary school to Richland Junior High school has been easy for my child.
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My child is experiencing meaningful participation at school (i.e. athletics, leadership, arts, drama, clubs, organization, etc.)
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I am aware of what it means to be ready for college
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