Eradicating the Mental Health Stigma Within the African Diaspora Community (Year 2)
Saturday November 9th, 2024; 03:00pm

The program is scheduled to run from November 2024 through July 2025
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Tidewater African Cultural Alliance partners with I-Thrive Therapy and Wellness to offer a free 9 month psycho-educational group, providing culturally aware dialogue, sensitive teaching, coaching and resource connection, to de-stigmatize & mitigate mental health / mental illness. 

This FREE NONCLINICAL resource is being offered to those 18+ years old of African descent, who identify as African, African American/Black, Afro Latino, Caribbean, and/or Caribbean-American. 

Name (first and last) *
Email (for reminders and resources) *
Phone Number (to receive group reminders) *
RACE: Please select the option that best describes you. *
GENDER: Please select the option that best describes you. *
AGE: Please select the option that best describes you. *
CITY OF RESIDENCE: Where in Hampton Roads do you live? *
If you live outside of the Hamptons Roads, VA area, please share your current location *
Is this your first time participating in the program? *
ARE YOU AVAILABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 60-75 minute group sessions 1x per month at 3:00pm EDT/EST?
**Note that these groups are virtual, and you can participate from anywhere. We will also offer in-person groups (which groups will be announced ahead of time and will take place in Norfolk, VA) 
How did you hear about this program? *
I understand that I may be contacted by the group facilitator if they have any questions and to provide me with resources. *
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