Little People's College Job Application 
Thank you for your interest in joining Little People’s College!

At Little People’s College, we are dedicated to providing high-quality early childhood education to children in New Bedford, Dartmouth, and beyond.

Please take a few moments to fill out the responses on this form. Your information will help us get to know you better and match your skills and interests with our current job opportunities. We look forward to reviewing your application!
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Name: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Position Applying For (check all that apply) *
Are you EEC certified? *
Have you ever been employed by LPC? *
Were you referred by a LPC employee? *
If yes, please provide employee's name:
What are your hours of availability?
Are you looking for (please check all that apply): *
List any foreign languages you can speak, read and/or write (please check all that apply):
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