ISL Virtual 12km Christagoras Run & NetFit Challenge!
We invite you to participate in a virtual walk or run and/or NetFit Challenge in aid of the Holy Family School for the Deaf. All funds raised will go towards funding Chromebooks for students and teachers and achieving our goal of becoming a Digital School of Distinction.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Medal categories for ISL RUN *
I know dates of ISL Run and NetFit *
Payment *
Disclaimer: Holy Family School for the Deaf cannot take responsibility or liability for any injuries as a result of 12km walk/run. By ticking the box below you are agreeing to participate at your own risk *
Disclaimer: The NetFit challenge is only an opportunity for our students to teach you about the 12 components of fitness. Holy Family School for the Deaf cannot take responsibility or liability for any injuries as a result of participating in the NetFit challenge. By ticking the box below you are agreeing to participate at your own risk. *
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