Sunday Praise-N-Learn Registration, 2024-2025
We are excited to once again kick-off another year of Sunday learning for our preschool to 5th grade friends! If you are new....welcome! If this isn't your first year, don't worry - this is the same "Sunday School" experience just with a name that better describes our time together. "Sunday Praise-n-Learn" will be held on Sunday mornings at 10:30am in our Peace Fellowship Hall space. There will be large group praise time followed by small group learning time, concluding at 11:30am. Kick-off will be on September 8th.   

Parents will be able to worship at that same time in the ConneXions Center and can pick up their child(ren) at the conclusion of the service. Or, if you attend the 9am worship, have your kiddo join us after at 10:30am for Praise-N-Learn! This program is available for students in Preschool through 5th grade. The Nursery is available for children birth to 3 1/2 years of age.

If you have any questions about our program or filling out the form, please make sure to reach out to:
Greta Clouse (
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Last Name (of child) *
First Name (of child) *
Birthdate (of child) *
Baptism (Has your child been baptized? Simply asking because the front office keeps this info. in their database.)
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If YES to your child being baptized, please list the date and location.
Address (Street Address) *
City *
Zip Code *
School Grade of Child (2024-2025) *
Mother/Guardian's First and Last Name
Mother/Guardian's Email Address
Mother's/Guardian's Best Phone Number to Use
Father's/Guardian's First and Last Name
Father's/Guardian's Email Address
Father's/Guardian's Best Phone Number to Use
Alternative Emergency Contact: To enable parents and guardians to authorize the provision of emergency treatment for children who become ill or injured while in the care of Peace Lutheran Church, when parents or guardians CANNOT be reached. If parents are NOT available in an emergency, notify: (First and Last Name of Adult) *
Emergency Contact's Relationship to Child *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Students in 4TH AND 5TH GRADE will be released at the end of class time to find their families. Please make a plan with your child of where to meet. Students in PRESCHOOL TO 3rd GRADE (and Nursery) will need to be signed out of the classroom at the end of class time. It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to inform our Children's Ministry Team if there are any persons, who, due to custody arrangements, should NOT be permitted to pick up your child. *
I hereby grant Peace Lutheran Church permission to transport my child by emergency vehicle for emergency, medical or dental care. *
If grant permission to transport child, please transport child to this hospital for emergency medical care:
If grant permission to transport child, please transport child to this dentist for emergency dental care, or to the nearest source of assistance: (Dentist Name and Phone Number)
Child's Allergies/Health Considerations
Special Requests/Comments
Permission to Photograph: I hereby grant/prohibit permission to Peace Lutheran Church the right to use, reproduce, and/or distribute photographs, films, video-tapes, and sound recordings of my child, without compensation or approval rights, for use in materials created for the purpose of promotion activities of Peace Lutheran Church. *
Release from Liability: I release Peace Lutheran Church, its employees, individually and as employees and all volunteer staff from all liability for injury to persons or damage to property that may occur as a results of my child's participation in any of the various activities at Peace Lutheran Church. *
By checking this box you confirm that you are the legal authorized parent or guardian of this child and that all of the above information is correct to the best of your knowledge. *
Today's Date: *
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