Resident Application
Nondiscrimination Policy:

The Potter’s Hands Foundation is a faith-based non-profit organization formed in 2013. At that time, under the leadership of our founder, a small group of Christians from different churches and denominations came together and committed to caring for and serving survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve those the world continually rejected, and we desire to follow His leading.

While this is our motivation, we recognize that not everyone shares our faith, including the survivors who reside in our home and participate in our programs. Our intention is that ALL persons who enter our home or participate in our programs would feel safe, secure and welcome. Although our Christian faith is inextricably tied to our mission and methods, we place no obligation or requirement on our residents, volunteers or referral partners.
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Contact Information
Full Name *
City *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal Code
Country *
Date of Birth
Email *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contacts (List 3) *
Please provide the names, addresses, and phone numbers for 3 emergency contacts.
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