PR Fuel Pro Personalized Functional Health, Nutrition & Fitness Coaching with Ashley Drummonds
I have over 15 years working with fitness professionals, athletes, active men and women and high performers to optimize their functional health for strength and performance, optimize and balance out their hormones naturally, and create custom strength training programs to build lean muscle, boost fat loss, improve hormones, overall mood and help, and to get you to your personal best inside and outside the gym. I have been an athlete my whole life in weight lifting, CrossFit, functional bodybuilding, personal training and have worked with men and women to help build strength, boost fat loss, and optimize their hormones all from an Integrative and Holistic approach. I am a Certified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, trained in Integrative Hormonal Health, Integrative Women's Health, and have studied for the last 5 years through integrative health experts like Dr. Lara Briden, Dr. Stacy Sims, and Pacific Rim College. 

I am extremely passionate about helping fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and high performers get back to hitting their PR's inside and outside the gym by dialing in their supplements, nutrition, workout programming, and optimizing their hormones all from a Functional Health focus. I'd love to get to work with you and help create your personal daily Functional Supplement Formula to help you look and perform your personal best inside and outside the gym. I am of the mindset test don't guess when it comes to your health, supplements, nutrients, and healing and I use non-invasive functional at home labs to create custom protocols based off of your individual lab work to get you exactly what your body needs in order to heal and feel your personal best. 

👉🏼Please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible to get started. Once you complete this assessment, you will be directed to the ordering page to order your at home functional lab testing to create your personalized supplement formula to fuel your personal best. 

Personalized Functional Nutrients Can Help With: 
  • Hormone Imbalances (PMS, PMDD, Peri-/Post Menopause, Low Testosterone, Estrogen Dominance, Acne, Recurring Yeast/Fungal Infections, Post Birth Control, No Menstrual Cycle, etc.)
  • Digestion & Gut Health
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Brain Fog & Mental Focus
  • Anxiety & Low Mood
  • Poor Sleep & Recovery
  • Improved Energy
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Weight Loss/Weight Gain
  • Strength & Performance
  • Improved Recovery

*Medical Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for medical care from your licensed Healthcare Provider. I am not a doctor and do not provide medical advice. I work as a Functional Health & Hormone Coach using diagnostic labs, holistic nutrition, natural supplements, and lifestyle recommendations and education to help you hit your health and wellness goals. 
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In creating a Personalized Nutrient Formula for you to optimize your health based off your Functional Labs, what is your preference in taking your daily nutrients/supplements? *
Functional Health with Ashley Drummonds
Name *
Email *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about me?  *
What are your health and fitness goals? (lose fat, build muscle, gain weight, etc). *
What is your current weight? *
What is your goal weight/ideal weight?  *
What are the main issues you are struggling with that you are looking for help with? *
What have you tried to fix these issues? *
How much are these issues impacting your life?  *
What is your current workout routine like?  *
What is your current nutrition/eating routine like? (Are you following macros, calories, a specific type of eating such as keto, IF, etc.?) Please list any known food allergies or sensitivities. *
Have you recently had any functional diagnostic lab work done such as functional hormone panels, metabolic blood work, food sensitivities, etc?  *
If yes, what were the results? *
Do you currently take any supplements, vitamins, or minerals? if so, please list what you are taking and how much.  *
How is your blood pressure health? *
How is your blood sugar health? *
How is your sleep? *
For Women, in regards to menstrual cycles please choose which one applies to you:
Clear selection
If pre-menopause (you still have menstrual cycles), please select the one that applies best to you:
Clear selection
Are you currently on any hormone therapy such as birth control, bio-identical HRT, pellets, etc?  *
Do you currently take any medications? Please list what you currently take.  *
Have you previously been diagnosed with any autoimmune or medical conditions?  *
Have you recently experienced any kind of mental or emotional trauma in your life? If so, what have you done or are you doing to work through this? (I.e. therapy, journaling, meditation, counseling, etc) *
Do you have any gut issues such as IBS, Sibo, Constipation, etc? *
Do you have any issues with anxiety, depression, brain fog or trouble concentrating? *
How are your energy levels on a daily basis? *
How committed are you to making changes and fixing these issues to get back to feeling your best? *
This personalized functional health, nutrition & fitness program with me can literally change your life and get you to feeling better than you've ever felt before seeing results in the gym, in your overall health, energy, sleep, and mood in as little last 4-6 weeks. It does require both an emotional and financial investment so I want to make sure you are committed to improving your health.

The way we will start working together is:

Step 1: Once you complete this questionnaire, you will be given a link to order your At Home Functional Labs to do a full assessment of your gut health, micronutrient levels, inflammation, mood, and neurotransmitter (brain/mood) health. This lab is a simple urine sample and you do not need to go anywhere just use this as home and ship it back with a pre-paid shipping label. *If you are interested in also doing an At Home Functional Hormone test to see where your sex and stress hormones are currently at (cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, etc) on the next link you will have the option to order this as well, but it is not required. 

Step 2: Once we receive your functional lab results, you will schedule a 45 minute New Client comprehensive functional video call assessment with me where we will review your lab results, identify any nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, gut health, hormones and more using advanced biomarkers to create a customized plan for you. This new client strategy call is $197 and last about 45-60 minutes to review your goals and assessment.

Step 3: After your 45 minute foundational assessment, you will receive your personalized daily nutrient supplement formula tailor made to you based on your functional lab biomarkers and your personal functional nutrition macro recommendations to hit your goals. You will then be given a link to order your PR Fuel custom daily functional formula to replenish micronutrient deficiencies, correct hormone imbalances, improve gut health, boost energy and optimize you're strength and performance so you can get back to feeling your personal best inside and outside the gym. *Each order is tailor made-this is not a big box warehouse with tons of one size fits all supplements so when you do place your order please give us 10-14 business days to create your supplement as each one is made to order based on the individual. Your custom formula ranges anywhere between $197-$225/*month depending on what your lab results indicate your body needs in your nutrient formula. When compared to individual supplement ordering, on average clients save about $100/month with the personalized compounded nutrient formulas. Your formula comes as a 90 day supply and you are billed monthly for that 90 day supply. 

*A 6 month commitment is required in order to achieve results. After 6 months of personalized Functional Health & Nutrition coaching you may continue as long as you'd like or cancel at any time. 

Each protocol is based on your personal functional lab tests and biomarkers with individualized programming, nutrition, custom supplements and lifestyle recommendations.

Once you submit this questionnaire, on the next page you will be given the link to order your At Home Functional Micronutrient & Hormone Panel Labs.

With all that in mind, How ready are you to invest in hitting your goals and getting to feeling your personal best?*
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