2024 Tarry Crest Swim & Dive Team Registration
Please complete the form below to register your child(ren) for the team. The cost is $65 per child (maximum $130 per family), plus the cost of the team suit. Please register by June 3.

If you have questions, please email tarrycrestswim@gmail.com.
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Email *
1st Child: Please provide first and last name, DOB, and age as of July 1, 2024
2nd Child: Please provide first and last name, DOB, and age as of July 1, 2024
3rd Child: Please provide first and last name, DOB, and age as of July 1, 2024
1st Parent: Please provide first and last name, email, and cell phone number
2nd Parent: Please provide first and last name, email, and cell phone number
Additional Contacts: Please provide first and last name, email, and cell phone number of any other adult who should receive team communications (e.g. caregiver, etc.)
Please provide any dates from June 27-July 31 that your swimmer(s) will be away (camps and vacations) and unable to attend meets.
Tarry Crest Bond Number  *
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