9/9/24 - WNYC  Centennial Celebration at Summerstage in Central Park
WNYC and Friends Centennial Celebration featuring Ira Glass / Brian Lehrer / Sean Carlson / Brooke Gladstone & Micah Loewinger / Alison Stewart / John Schaefer / Gabrielle Shea / Performances by Freestyle Love Supreme / mxmtoon and More / DJ Set by Donwill

See below in the description for more details...

EVENT DATE:  Monday, September 9, 2024

TIME:  6:30 PM -  9:00 ( the show starts at 7pm) Arrive at 6:30 so you can help me save good seats and eat dinner together! Summerstage concerts often fill up, so you might not be able to get in if you don't come early.

 If the venue is crowded, we might decide to sit outside the venue, on the grass. If you don't see me inside at 7pm, text me on my cell, which is (917) 531-2202.

COST:  Free! I will bring snacks also...


Enter from the west side or the east side at 5th Avenue and 69tth Street
Central Park's Rumsey Playfield
New York, NY

Here is a page which describes the details of summerstage and some of the restrictions on what you can and can't bring in:


Here is a google map link to the location in the park



DESCRIPTION:  WNYC has been serving listeners in the New York City metro area since 1924. Today, it’s the home of the WNYC / Gothamist independent local newsroom, award-winning local and national public radio shows and podcasts, and the New York conversation on air, online, and out in the community. WNYC is also the sister station of WQXR 105.9 FM, NYC’s sole classical music station.

Hosted by Brian Lehrer, the evening will include some of the most beloved voices you’ve heard on the air and a lineup of conversation, music, trivia, and more. Guests will include On the Media‘s Brooke Gladstone and Micah Loewinger, This American Life‘s Ira Glass, New Sounds’ John Schaefer, All of It’s Alison Stewart, WNYC’s All Things Considered host Sean Carlson, and storytelling from The Moth. Nada Surf and Laurie Anderson with Sexmob join the previously announced performers Freestyle Love Supreme and mxmtoon, and a DJ set by Donwill. Other guests to be announced – plus a few surprise guests you’ll have to be there to hear!


Dinner if you want to eat with us. I will have some light snacks. You might also bring a blanket to sit on, if we decide to sit outside the venue on the grass or on the ground between the stage and the bleacher seats.


Please do not bring alcoholic beverages, glass, bottles, coolers, pets, bicycles, rollerblades, folding chairs, beach umbrellas, video cameras or tape recorders. No professional camera gear, telephoto lenses, or flash photography is allowed. All bags are subject to search. Beer and wine are for on­site consumption only and may not be removed from the venue. The distribution or sale of unauthorized promotional materials is not permitted.

RSVP DEADLINE - SUNDAY 9/12. You can just show up without RSVP'ing, but please RSVP so i can get a sense of our numbers for the snacks.

If you have trouble finding me the night of the event, text me at (917) 531-2202.

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