Holiday Party 2020 RSVP & Karaoke Sign-Up
Date: December 17th, 6:30 - 9:00 pm EST via Zoom (links will be exclusively in the emails)

Tentative event schedule:

6:30 - 6:35 – Introductions
6:35 - 6:50 – Spotlight and contests I
6:50 - 7:30 – Karaoke I
7:30 - 8:10 – Activities: Trivia, Among Us, Arts & Crafts
8:10 - 8:25 – Spotlight and contests II
8:25 - 8:55 – Karaoke II
8:55 - 9:00 – Concluding remarks
OPTIONAL: 9:00+ – Extra karaoke and other activities, chat, etc.
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First name *
Last name(s) *
Email *
Which contests or spotlights are you interested in participating in? You can choose multiple. Remember, you can participate in contests and spotlights whether or not you can be present at the Holiday Party!
Are you interested in participating in karaoke?
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If you are interesting in participating in karaoke, please write down the song and artist for your karaoke performance below.
First come, first serve due to limited spots. Only 1 song per person and per group. Group songs are allowed. Please submit a separate form for the group song. If you choose to sing with a group, be aware that wifi issues will cause lag. Instructions on set up and day-of logistics will be sent closer to the event date. Each participant is responsible for finding a YouTube video for an instrumental version of their song of choice (and lyrics) and for sharing your screen and audio when you sing (please wear headphones to prevent feedback). We encourage you to do a test run for volume. You (and your group, if applicable) will be scheduled into one of the Karaoke time slots. The schedule and further instructions on how to do Zoom Karaoke will be sent out to all registered Karaoke participants. If you have already submitted the form and decide to opt out or change your song selection, resubmit this form and we will change the selection.
Which of these concurrent activities are you interested in participating in?
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If you are interested in Arts and Crafts, we encourage you to pick up a kit on campus (Building 18, 5th floor), but if you want a kit mailed to you, please provide your address below.
Pick-up spot: 5th floor of building 18 Tuesday 12/15 and Wednesday 12/16. Note: these arts and crafts kits are free! You are welcome to participate even if you are not in the area to pick up the art supplies. In this case, we encourage you to join us and use available materials to create some type of art or craft: drawings, paintings, coloring, origami, to name a few!
Any comments/questions?
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