2024-2025 Standley PTSA Board & Committees
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Now Seeking Interest for 2024-2025
Are you interested in filling a spot on our Standley PTSA Board or special committees? Select one or more interests below and we will contact you! DEADLINE: Friday, February 23rd, 2024!

Standley PTSA helps parents, students, school staff, and the community work together to share ideas about programs and activities that benefit children. Our PTSA provides information and resources that strengthen the connections between students, parents, schools, and the community. 

In order to achieve our goals, we have divided our volunteer needs into many bite-sized pieces. This allows our volunteers to commit time to as little or as many pieces as they are able.

Many of our PTSA executive board and committee members are 8th grade parents that will be leaving Standley at the end of the school year. If you've ever considered getting more involved, now is a great time to step in and be part of all the amazing efforts our PTSA offers the Standley community. We would be excited to have you join us!

More about the Standley PTSA: https://standleyptsa.org/aboutptsa-page/
QUESTIONS?? Email Trinka Adamson @ trinka.adamson@gmail.com
PTSA Board of Directors
These important officers oversee the main duties of the Standley PTSA. They are supported by many committee chairs and volunteers that work together as a team to achieve our goals.

Executive Board positions require a monthly time commitment and should be able to attend a monthly executive board meeting, held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month during the school year.

Each of the executive board Vice Presidents will oversee committee chairs for their department. They will delegate responsibilities and can also chair or co-chair committees themselves.
BOD Interest
Committee Chairs
Chairing a special committee is a perfect way to volunteer for a shorter commitment of time and usually requires only a few hours surrounding a specific event or program. Chairs for larger events and programs are encouraged to recruit other volunteers to delegate responsibilities to. Read on to find out more about our committee chair openings.
Committee Interest
General PTA Volunteer
If you would like to be added to a general contact list for volunteers, click below. The executive board will send an e-mail when there is an "open call for volunteers" for a specific event/program and we will include you on the distribution list.
General Interest
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