Organisational Membership
Thank you for applying to be our member! Please note that we will inform you about the outcome after the next Board meeting of ENIL. This may take up to three months, depending on the date of the next meeting (the Board meets four times per year).
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Are you applying for full membership or for associated membership? (please check criteria here: *
Name of the organisation *
Full address of the organisation (street, number, town, postal code, country) *
Country *
Website and/or Facebook page of the organisation
Name of the legal representative *
Name of the contact person *
Position of the contact person within the organisation *
Email of the contact person *
Phone number of the contact person *
Is the organisation officially registered? *
Is your organisation led by disabled people? (Yes means that at all times at least 51% of its Board members are disabled people; please note that family members are not included in this category.) *
At which level is your organisation active? (select all that apply)
List the main areas of work of your organisation *
Do you provide residential services or services for people in residential care? *
If yes, please explain.
Do you provide sheltered employment services or day care centres for disabled people? *
If yes, please explain.
How does your organisation promote Independent Living? *
Please email (to: the constitution/statute of your organisation (preferably in English). Please note that we will not consider applications that do not include a constitution/statute. *
I agree to my personal data being stored and used by ENIL for the purpose of communicating with members, in line with ENIL's Privacy Policy ( *
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