OKF Code of Conduct Violation Anonymous Report
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please report the behaviour as soon as possible. We will handle all reports with discretion. Please use this form for an anonymous report, and provide as much detail as you are able to provide.
(This form was adapted from the eLife Sprint Code of Conduct, CCBY4.0)
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Please provide any identifying information (e.g. names, nicknames, pseudonyms) of the participant who has violated the Code of Conduct
Please describe the behaviour that violated the Code of Conduct
What was the approximate time of this behaviour?
Where did the behaviour occur?
Please describe the circumstances surrounding the incident, including if other people were involved.
Is the behaviour ongoing?
Clear selection
Is there any publicly available recording of the incident? (i.e. an email, a talk recording)
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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