Join Our Communi-Tea
Our communi-tea has been nothing but supportive since we kicked off our journey to making our bubble tea protein powder. The best part about doing everything we do is being able to meet other bubble tea lovers and fitness enthusiasts. Now, we want to be a part of YOUR community and work directly with YOU. If you’re working with a community organization, a brand, or are hosting an event, let’s work together!*

*We would love to be a part of everyone's community, but given our limited resources at this point in time, we’ll only be able to accept a handful of organizations.

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Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number
Organization Website
Organization Social Media *
Where are you located *
Type of Organization *
What is the purpose of your organization/event?
How long has your organization existed? *
Why are you interested in collaborating with Chakra Nutrition (Select all that apply)
Any notes or comments?
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