Scout Event Registration
Host a scout event with Session Climbing! Climbers ages 6 and up can experience top rope climbing with up to 20 scouts!  Scout events are 2 hours in our alcove, which we block off to create a semi-private experience.  This includes 2 hours of climbing with our instructors! 

We currently offer Scout events on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only.

Each two-hour visit is staffed with 1 instructor to every 5 climbers. Our staff helps to ensure your event is fun, memorable, and safe. Event staff works exclusively with your group during the 2 hours. In addition to roped stations, our facility offers TruBlue Autobelays, enabling your group to stay engaged and satisfied throughout your entire event! 


The base price is $300 for a minimum of 8 Scouts.

Each additional scout is $36, with a maximum of 20 scouts.

Climbing Shoes and harnesses are included in the cost.

Thank you for your interest in hosting a group Event with us at Session Climbing!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last name of person booking event *
Your troop number:
Your Email *
Your Phone number *
Any accommodations needed for the scouts? (i.e.: hard of hearing, mobility, etc. Please input N/A if there are none) *
Which Friday, Saturday or Sunday are you interested hosting a scout event?*

*This does not confirm your reservation.  Once your form is reviewed, our staff will contact you to confirm the availability of your preferred date and time.
What 2-hour time slot are you interested in?  

(Our staff will contact you to confirm.)
How many scouts are you interested in bringing?  

You can bring a MINIMUM of 8 participants and a MAXIMUM of 20 participants
Please RE-ENTER your email. *
The cost breakdown for group events is as follows:

-The base price is $300 for 8 scouts. 

-Each additional scout is $36.

-Maximum of 20 climbers per event.

-50% Deposit is required for booking.

By checking "Yes", this certifies that you have read the above and understand these conditions.
More information:

-Minimum Two-week advance notice required

-Final Count for group event must be confirmed minimum 1 week prior to event.

-After confirming the date and time with our staff, a card will be saved on file for billing of the remaining balance.

-After confirming and paying the deposit, a roster with first and last names of all climbers participating in the event will be emailed to our staff (the email will be given after confirmation and deposit is collected.)

By checking "Yes", this certifies that you have read the above and understand these conditions.
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