Zcash Lite (ZCH) Coin Swap
Note: This is a human action which require time to be completed. Coin Swap ratio is 10000:1 10000 ZCH are equivalent to 1 Lite Cash, coin swap is manual, there are two rounds for swap, 1st round 30 November to 31st December and 2nd round Jan 01 2018 to Jan 31 2018, All you need is to send your tokens to the following contract address 0x1bb5ddcb02d98d30c2a42e018b99f96651e676eb to destroy them and send your ethereum address you used for to destroy the tokens, Deleted tokens amount can be seen on this link https://etherscan.io/token/0x1bb5ddcb02d98d30c2a42e018b99f96651e676eb?a=0x1bb5ddcb02d98d30c2a42e018b99f96651e676eb, Token Balance and Token value displays the deleted tokens amount.
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