What's in Your Complete Neighborhood?
In 2018, Neighbors for More Neighbors organized to ensure that Minneapolis 2040 allowed complete neighborhoods places that have all the pieces that a healthy urban community needs. They have a balance of housing, green spaces and businesses that creates a human-scale economy where people can flourish. Complete neighborhoods are hubs of people and energy, places that feel activated and where people are connected. The limits in today's zoning code regulations ensure many neighborhoods remain incomplete— lacking shops, cafes, services, and walkable streets— leaving us isolated and taking dollars out of our community.

The City is starting work on the next round of zoning code updates. They will revise the rules guiding which amenities and services are allowed in which neighborhoods. It's unclear whether the restrictions on small shops, cafes, and businesses will change to allow every Minneapolis neighborhood gives people access to meet everyday needs without driving. 

We're working to achieve the promises of Minneapolis 2040. We're ramping up organizing to ensure that the zoning code matches the plan, and allows complete neighborhoods in every corner of the city.
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Zoning limits what someone can do with their land. 

Some zoning limits are about how big a building can be. Minneapolis 2040 calls this "Built Form." The city adopted 2040 built form zoning code updates on in December of 2020. Learn how Neighbors for More Neighbors worked to improve that policy here

Other zoning code limits prohibit some activities in some neighborhoods. Where are doctors offices allowed? Corner stores? Coffee shops? Musical instrument repair shops? This is what the City is working on today, fall 2022.

One Minneapolis 2040 goal was "Complete Neighborhoods: In 2040, all Minneapolis residents will have access to employment, retail services, healthy food, parks, and other daily needs via walking, biking, and public transit." 

Help us understand what a complete neighborhood means to you. We'll ask what you'd like to have within a short walk or bike or transit ride of your home, and what you don't want in your neighborhood. 

Do you live or work in Minneapolis? *
1. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a 5 minute walk of your home?
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2. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a five minute walk of your home?
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3. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a five minute walk of your home?
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4. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a five minute walk of your home?
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5. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a five minute walk of your home?
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6. Would you be interested in having this type of use within a five minute walk of your home?
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7. Would you be interested in having this type of use within a five minute walk of your home?
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8. Would you be interested in having this type of residential use within a five minute walk of your home?
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9. Would you be interested in having this type of mixed use, retail/housing combination within a five minute walk of your home?
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10. Would you be interested in having this type of mixed use space within a five minute walk of your home?
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11. Would you be interested in having this type of commercial use within a five minute walk of your home?
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What else would you like to see in your complete neighborhood? Please describe that below or share a link to a photo or picture. 
Is there anything you'd like to share about the reasons you had for your opinions?
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