Assalamualaikum and Salam sejahtera, 

Royal Custom & Excise Department (RCED), would like to invite you to participate in a survey regarding the usability of the new RCED mobile app, Customs.BN

 This survey will only require 3-5 minutes of your personal time, and rest assured that all information provided will be kept confidential. The purpose of this survey is purely for research purposes, aiming to enhance the mobile application.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Have you declared any personal goods before?
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2. Do you think it is convenient to have a mobile application for doing personal declaration?
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3. How would you rate the installation and onboarding experience of the app?
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
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4. How would you rate the usefulness of  the app?
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
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5. What do you think required in Customs.BN?
6. Do you have any suggestions or comments about Customs.BN?
7. Overall, how would you rate Customs.BN 
Very Satisfied
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