Volunteer with NAMI
NAMI Northeast Region PA's mission is to help improve the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness throughout the NEPA region. We rely on dedicated volunteers to help us with our education, outreach, and advocacy.   To learn more please select any of the following ways that you might want to volunteer and our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you! 
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Program Facilitator/Presenter 
Community Outreach
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Planning and Organizing
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Sponsor Recruitment
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Publicity and Promotion
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Organize a NAMI Fundraiser of Your Own: Briefly tell us what you have in mind!
Why do you want to volunteer with NAMI? (optional)
What skills and characteristics do you have that would make you a good NAMI volunteer?  *
Please briefly describe any relevant prior volunteer and/or work experience. 
Do you have any personal experience, knowledge, or education concerning mental illness?  *
Please check the following computer programs and software you feel proficient to use/learn
Please indicate any other relevant technical skills or experience
Please provide preferred contact information below. *
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