Cambridge Community Library: Library Services Survey 2024
Please take a few minutes to answer this anonymous survey about the library.  We want to hear from you no matter how often - or little - you use the library.  It should take less than five minutes and all questions are optional.  We want as many opinions as possible, so please encourage other members of your household to complete this survey.
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Do you have a Cambridge Community Library card?
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On average, how often do you visit Cambridge Community Library?
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On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most), how important is it that the library be a gathering place for the community?
Not Important
Very Important
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On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most), how important is it that the library be a source of community education and lifelong learning?
Not Important
Very Important
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On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most), how important is it that the library be a place for people to connect in the community?
Not Important
Very Important
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How would you rate the following library services at Cambridge Community Library?
Don't Know / Not Applicable
Customer Service
Reader's Advisory (help choosing a new book to read)
Collection (DVDs, Book, Magazine, etc. selection)
Programs for Kids
Programs for Adults
Online Services (LINKcat, library website, databases, Libby)
Library Policies
Computers and Printing
Other services (Faxing, laminating, etc.)
Internet access
Hours of operation
Overall, how would you rate Cambridge Community Library?
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How important are the following library services to you?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Don't Know/Not Applicable
Borrowing materials (books, dvds, music. etc.)
Newspapers and magazines
Programs for kids
Programs for adults
Weekend programs
Reference assistance (answering questions)
Online services (website, online catalog, databases)
Assistance using the computer/printing
Local History and/geneology
Study/Meeting rooms for use
Places to sit within the library
Internet / WIFI access
Computers and Printing
Photocopying and Faxing
Overall, how important is the public library to you?
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How could the services at Cambridge Community Library be improved, if at all?
How do you typically find out about what is going on at the Cambridge Community Library? (check all that apply)
Do you have any other comments, suggestions or compliments you would like us to know?
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