ORIS - Anonymous Whistleblower Channel

Our Whistleblower Channel is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns internally so that we can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions. It is the responsibility of all employees to report concerns about violations of our code of ethics or suspected violations of law or regulations that govern our operations. It is contrary to our values for anyone to retaliate against any employee or who in good faith reports an ethics violation, or a suspected violation of law, such as a complaint of discrimination, or suspected fraud, or suspected violation of any regulation.

For further questions or remarks, please reach out to integrity@oris-connect.com (not anonymously). 
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Reporter's Contact Information (OPTIONAL)
(This section may be left blank if reporter chooses to remain anonymous)
Name (leave blank to remain anonymous)
Email (leave blank to remain anonymous)
Phone (leave blank to remain anonymous)
Suspects's Information (Optional)
Designation or Role
Witness Information (if any)
Designation or Role
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