NBYT's Romeo & Juliet Audition Form
We're taking the traditional and poetic language of Shakespeare's classic love story and giving it a modern setting. Whether you're a fan of Shakespeare or just keen to be a part of our next production, we know we will have a great time immersing ourselves in this famous piece of literature.

Join us for our next production. Auditions are open for youth of any genders aged 12-17. Please prepare a 1-2 minute Shakespeare monologue for the audition.

Production dates are likely to be 19th, 21st, 26th and 28th of June 2025.
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Caregiver Full Name *
Please enter the product number
Caregiver Phone Number *
Caregiver Email *
Participant Full Name *
Participant Number *
Participant Email *
Who can we contact?
Participant Age
Preferred Name
Emergency Contact Name and Number
Must be different to person mentioned above
Which character would you most like to be and why?
What other characters would you be open to playing? Please list any gender restrictions.
Why would you like to be a part of this production?
Where did you hear about us? *
Do you commit to weekly rehearsals 430-630pm Fridays commencing 14th Feb (second week of term 1) until the second show week? Do you agree to prioritise NBYT over other commitments?
Are you available proposed show dates?
Thurs evenings 19th and 26th Jun
Sat MATINEE 21st Jun and 28th Jun
Sat EVENINGĀ  21st Jun and 28th Dec
List any conflicts.
Do you agree to pay the $50 membership fee and $20 script fee once you have been offered a role?
EFT can be made to: Northern Beaches Youth Theatre
BSB: 062108 Acc: 10300633
Do you agree to pay the $235 term 1 fee and $250 term 2 fee by the second week of each term? *
This show will require patience, adaptability, focus, teamwork and commitment. Do you agree to show maturity, independence and cooperation as well as the above? *
We are committed to creating safe spaces for everyone involved. We understand that not everyone will get along with everyone else from time to time but we ask that all members refrain from using hurtful or negative language and that you seek help with confusion or conflict from us before addressing issues with another member. We also ask that any feedback you may have for another person come through us, rather than dealt with directly. Do you understand? *
Please list any information that is helpful to know to keep the auditionee safe, make them feel welcome and included. *
For the caregivers: As a community charity youth theatre, we rely on sponsorships, donations, funding and volunteering. We would love you to help us at different stages throughout the production relative to your skillset. Do you agree to help where possible?
Thank you and we hope to be able to welcome you to Northern Beaches Youth Theatre. Any questions?
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