Rental Request

              Event Address: 211 Pioneer Street, Harper Texas 78631 or PO Box 453
                                 Contact us at
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Email *
Event Date Requested: *
Start Time Requested: *
Name *
Purpose of Event: *
Email *
Phone Number *
Facilities Requested PLEASE PRINT AND MAIL FORM *
not needed
Large Conf Room
Small Conf Room
Concessions Stand & Restrooms
Pavilion / BBQ Hut / Restrooms
Entire Park
I understand that I may pay the deposit by check: *
Number of Guest expected: *
Will Alcohol be consumed? *
Licensed Security Officers  are required during the entire event if alcohol is being served or sold.
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Local Organization Name
Park Member?
I understand that I will have to pay a deposit and return rental agreement within 15 days of receiving verification from Park Board that requested dates are available, in order to reserve dates. *
Prices are for Private use only. Any “for profit” events will need prior HCPA Board approval.  Rentals are from 12 noon the day before the event date to 12 noon the following day after the event. Special consideration can be made by the board.   *
Rentals must be paid in full 30 days prior to the event date or payment in full at the time of reservation if less than 30 days till the event. *
Deposit will be returned within 15 days by check following inspection after event. Deposit is non-refundable if damage has occurred or failure to clean facilities. If damage exceeds the amount of the security deposit or if extra  cleaning is required, you may be billed the difference. *
Cancellations within 30 days of reservation is a forfeiture of deposit unless another rental is booked. *
I have read and understand all the rules from HCPA rentals. (type full name as signature) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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