September 3, 2024 Family Dance Hour
Register your spot on this form for our upcoming Special Dance Workshop.  Experience the joy of Israeli Folk Dance like never before—this special, one-time Family Dance Hour brings together all generations for a unique, modern twist on a cherished tradition. All ages welcome!
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Bnai Torah
700 Mount Vernon Hwy
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
Your Full Name *
Your Best Email *
How many people are in your party? (You plus your family members equals "your party") If you are bringing your spouse and 2 children, there are 4 in your party. *
What are the ages of the people you are bringing?
How many 12 and under?
How many teens?
How many adults?
Do you dance regularly in our Tuesday/Wednesday night dance session? *
Which workshops will you attend? *
Would you like to be added to our email list where I let you know of upcoming dance events and weekly changes and updates? if Yes, please put your email address below. Double check for errors.
What else do you want us to know? *
Calculate your registration fees and send payment in Venmo to reserve your spot. Write below who registration is for. (If you are paying for more than yourself, please include that information below)

$10 per adult
$5 per teen
$2 12 and under

You can also pay by cash at the session. Please make sure you arrive on-time to check in. NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN. EXACT CHANGE ONLY OR VENMO (we do not accept Zelle)
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