The Labour Assembly Against Austerity is working with Richard Burgon MP to present a petition in Parliament calling for a radical package of tax increases on the super-rich to help tackle the widespread poverty and inequality that scar our society. Please sign our petition below:

"We call on the House of Commons to introduce higher taxes on the super-rich as a step to tackling the widespread poverty and inequality that scar our society.  

This crisis has not only shone a spotlight on the huge inequalities in our society – it has deepened them.  

It has been a good crisis for the already super-rich. In May the Sunday Times Rich List revealed that Britain's billionaires have increased their wealth by £106 billion during the pandemic - that's £290m per day.

In contrast, a record 2.5m food bank parcels were given to people in crisis in the past year

As we come out of this pandemic, if we are to learn the lessons and build a more equal and more inclusive society, then we need to acknowledge that trickle-down economics has been a lie and we need to tackle decades of failing tax policy.

As part of efforts to build a fairer society, we call on the House of Commons to introduce:  

▪️ A Wealth Tax that would raise tens of billions from the wealthiest in our society
▪️ A Windfall Tax on those corporations that have made super-profits during this crisis

▪️ A more progressive income tax system including a new 55% income tax rate on all income over £200,000 per year; a 50% income tax rate for those on over £123,000 and 45% rate for income over £80,000."
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