Title IX Reporting

Parents and Students have the option to report misconduct directly to Social Services.  The contact number for Social Services is 276-386-3631.

Hotline Numbers

Inside Virginia: (800) 552-7096

Out-of-state: (804) 786-8536

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Person Filing Complaint (Choose One) *
Name of Person Filing Complaint *
Today's Date *
For Students, School Attended
For Employees, Position
For Employees, Department or School 
Address *
Email Address *
Home Phone
Cell Phone *
Have you brought this matter to the attention of any other person in the school system?  If so, please list the name(s) of all other persons with whom you have discussed this matter. *
Scott County Public Schools' Policies and Procedures prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or retaliation.  Please indicate the basis of your complaint.  Please choose all that apply. *
Please list the date or dates of the alleged discrimination act.   *
Description of Complaint.  Please summarize and describe your complaint. *
Name of person(s) you believe committed the offense against you and how you have contact with them (e.g. supervisor, administrator, co-worker, teacher, staff, student) *
Describe the corrective action you are seeking. *
For retaliation complaints, please explain why you believe someone retaliated against you.  
Witness #1 Name
Witness #1 Phone 
Witness #2 Name 
Witness #2 Phone 
Witness #3 Name 
Witness #3 Phone 
By checking the box below, I certify the aforementioned is true and correct.  *
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