Eligibility Requirements and Application
The APTA CT is pleased to announce the availability of a $1,000 scholarship for a PT student for the current academic year. The following eligibility requirements must be met to be considered for the John O’Donnell Scholarship:
Applicant must be a PT student in good standing at Quinnipiac University, Sacred Heart University, University of Connecticut, or the University of Hartford, or must be a PT student whose residence is CT but who is attending school outside of CT.
Applicant must be a student member of the APTA able to provide a verifiable APTA Member #.
Only complete applications will be considered
Awards will be based on
A.) academic achievement
B.) a written description of professional and community leadership contributions (below)
C.) an essay (below)
Any questions?
Feel free to contact APTA CT at
ctapta@libertysquaregroup.comA team of APTA CT members with diverse experience will review, score and make the final decision.