John O’Donnell PT Student Scholarship $1,000
Eligibility Requirements and Application

The APTA CT is pleased to announce the availability of a $1,000 scholarship for a PT student for the current academic year.  The following eligibility requirements must be met to be considered for the John O’Donnell Scholarship:

1. Applicant must be a PT student in good standing at Quinnipiac University, Sacred Heart University, University of Connecticut, or the University of Hartford, or must be a PT student whose residence is CT but who is attending school outside of CT.
2. Applicant must be a student member of the APTA able to provide a verifiable APTA Member #.
3. Only complete applications will be considered

Awards will be based on
A.) academic achievement
B.) a written description of professional and community leadership contributions (below)
C.) an essay (below)

Any questions?
Feel free to contact APTA CT at

A team of APTA CT members with diverse experience will review, score and make the final decision.

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Email *
Full Name *
Anticipated Graduation Date *
Cumulative current GPA *
Phone number
APTA Student Membership and Expiration Date *
Description of Leadership: Write a description of your involvement in professional and community activities over the past four to five years or planned future which specifically point to leadership contributions that contribute to the physical therapy profession. *
Essay:  After reflecting on the APTA Vision Statement for the Physical Therapy Profession and Guiding Principles to Achieve the Vision, how do you see the physical therapy profession contributing to the needs of society, now and in the future? As a physical therapist, what role will you play in helping to achieve our Vision? Answer the questions in 250-500 words. *
Criteria for scoring will include 1) your writing format and clarity, 2) your ability to communicate a match between your background, interests, and skills with the Vision and 3) your ability to give specific examples of ways your background, education, and interests will position you to successfully contribute toward achieving the Vision.
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