Book of the Month Club Requests

It's that time of year again! MBAEA is offering book of the month club for PreK-6th grade teachers, and we would love for you to be a part of it!

Once signed up, you will automatically receive a box of 25 randomly selected fiction & nonfiction books every 6 weeks beginning in September. Because this is a rotating collection and we want other classrooms to enjoy them, we ask that each box is returned before receiving the next box of books. We also have an array of interactive kits that are fitting for grades PreK-1st available for checkout through Insignia Library System. 

To participate in this program, submit this form and log in to our media catalog. Once both steps are completed, the media staff can fulfill the order for classroom teachers.The boxes of books will come via AEA van mail delivery to your district: your district will bring them to your individual building(s). Check your drop off area often.

Please email our media staff with any questions at or 563-344-6231.

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