Cheaters Trivia
Thursday: Classic Literature

We will be sending out 3 questions per day plus 3 bonus questions over 5 days.  

The 3 “main” trivia questions will be worth 5 points each with bonus questions worth 2 points each. A maximum of 21 points per day can be scored. The maximum contest points that can be scored is 105 points.

Questions must be answered on the day they are posted for maximum points!

Main trivia questions subtract 1 point per day for each late day.

Late bonus questions are worth 1 point.

*You do not need to answer the main trivia question to get credit for the bonus question

Each day will have a specific theme: Monday-Fantasy; Tuesday-Science Fiction; Wednesday-Chicago; Thursday-Classic literature; Friday-Contemporary literature

You are allowed, indeed encouraged to “cheat” by using any outside resource that will get you a correct answer.  

The three contestants who score the most points at the end of the week get the top 3 prize slots.

*In the case of ties we will draw names for winners
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What is your name?
How many crewmen survived the destruction of the Pequod?
5 points
Captionless Image
LIBRARY BONUS: What is the library of congress call number for the book Moby Dick?
2 points
Name of the Louisa May Alcott heroine who wrote the coming of age story of herself and her sisters.
5 points
LIBRARY BONUS: How many different film versions of the book are held at Cudahy Library?
2 points
Name the man, “not born of woman” who slays Macbeth.
5 points
LIBRARY BONUS: Through what online streaming service does Loyola Libraries offer the film version of this play?
2 points
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